
Can Fiber Supplements Help Reduce Belly Fat?

Can Fiber Supplements Help Reduce Belly Fat? Eating whole foods is the best way to increase your soluble fiber intake. But if this isn’t realistic for you, taking a soluble fiber supplement could be an option.

Various types are available, including psyllium husk, glucomannan and inulin, and some evidence shows they can help you lose belly fat.

For example, one six-week study in teenage boys showed that taking a psyllium husk supplement reduced belly fat .

Also, the viscous fiber glucomannan has shown mixed results for belly fat loss. One study in mice found that glucomannan supplements reduced belly fat, while a human study showed the same effect, but only in men .

Yet despite these mixed results, glucomannan can also promote belly fat loss by slowing down digestion and reducing appetite .

Inulin is another type of soluble fiber. Even though it’s not very viscous, it has been linked to belly fat loss.

One 18-week weight loss study in people at risk of type 2 diabetes gave participants either inulin or cellulose (insoluble fiber) supplements. Both groups received nutrition advice for the first nine weeks and followed a fat-loss diet.

While both groups lost weight, the inulin group lost significantly more belly fat, total body fat and total weight. They also ate less food than the cellulose group .

Overall, taking fiber supplements seems like an effective strategy for belly fat loss, though more research is needed before strong claims can be made.

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