Arrival Proverbs

Sayings about Arrival

Visits always give pleasure — if not the arrival, the departure. ~ Portuguese Proverbs

You arrive Mr. Big Shot but leave Mr. Nobody. ~ Zulu Proverb

Punishment is a cripple, but it arrives. ~ Spanish Proverbs

Adventure Proverbs

Saying about Adventure

Who seeks adventures finds blows. ~ German Proverbs

Who ventures to lend, loses money and friend. ~ Dutch Proverbs

Venture all; see what fate brings. ~ Vietnamese Proverbs

Venture a small fish to catch a much greater

Direction proverbs

Sayings about Direction

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. ~ Buddhist Proverb

East, west, home’s best. ~ Traditional Proverb

A fool and water will go the way they

Past Proverbs

Sayings about The Past

Four things come not back. The spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, ad the neglected opportunity. ~ Arabian Proverb

You can be cautious about the future but not the past. ~ Chinese Proverb

Days Proverbs

Sayings about Days

Every day of your life is a page of your history. ~ Arabian Proverb

Even when months and days are long, life is short. ~ Japanese Proverb

A day of sorrow is longer than a month of

Today Proverbs

Sayings about Today

A good well-lived today makes every yesterday a dream of a good future, and every morning is a vision of hope. ~ Sanskrit Proverb

Postpone today’s anger until tomorrow. ~ Filipino Proverbs

Give me today and you

Years Proverbs

Sayings about Years

Years know more than books. ~ American Proverbs

Pleasure for one year a marriage; but pleasure for a lifetime, a garden. ~ Chinese Proverb

It’s better to die two years early than to live one year too

Hours Proverbs

Sayings about Hours

Hours once lost cannot be regained. ~ Yugoslavian Proverb

With a bottle and a girl one does not count the hours. ~ Polish Proverb

To learn what is good, a thousand days are not sufficient; to

Night Proverbs

Sayings about Nights

Day has its eyes, night has its ears. ~ Japanese Proverb

Never praise life in front of death, nor the beautiful day in front of night. ~ Spanish Proverb

Last night I made a thousand plans,

Future Proverbs

Sayings about Future

The future is for those who know how to wait. ~ Russian Proverbs

When you talk about future happenings the devil starts to laugh. ~ Japanese Proverb

Men see only the present; heaven sees the future.

Summer Proverbs

Sayings about Summer

No year has two summers. ~ Russian Proverbs

If summer had a mother, she would weep at summer’s passing. ~ Lebanese Proverb

Winter will ask you what you did during the summer. ~ Romanian Proverbs

Winter Proverbs

Sayings about Winter

He that would be healthy must wear his winter clothes in summer.~ Spanish Proverb

True friendship does not freeze in the winter.~ German Proverb

The fire is winter‘s fruit.~ Arabian Proverb

It is never winter in

Months Proverbs

Sayings about Months

Even when months and days are long, life is short. ~ Japanese Proverbs

It is easier to be a happy bachelor for a year than a widower for a month. ~ Lebanese Proverb

A wretched year

Present Proverbs

Sayings about the Present

Men see only the present; heaven sees the future. ~ Chinese Proverb

The golden age never was the present age. ~ English Proverb

The past is the future of the present. ~ Japanese Proverb

Holiday Proverbs

Sayings about Holidays

Envy never has a holiday. ~ Latin Proverbs

The mouth of a woman takes no holiday. ~ Creole Proverb

Money is only good for a weekday, a holiday, and a rainy day. ~ Russian

Morning Proverbs

Sayings about Mornings

Never rely on the glory of the morning or the smiles of your mother-in-law. ~ Japanese Proverb

A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. ~ Traditional Proverb

An hour in the morning is worth two

Waiting Proverbs

Sayings about Waiting

The future is for those who know how to wait. ~ Russian Proverbs

Wait long, strike fast. ~ Chinese Proverbs

He who gives when he is asked has waited too long. ~ Traditional Proverb

If you

Moments Proverbs

Sayings about Moments

One moment of intense happiness prolongs life by a thousand years. ~ Japanese Proverbs

What breaks in a moment may take years to mend. ~ Swedish Proverbs

A tear at the right moment is better than a

Evening Proverbs

Sayings about Evenings

Towards evening the lazy person begins to get busy. ~ German Proverbs

Curse your wife at evening, sleep alone at night. ~ Chinese Proverb

You must decide where you are going in the evening, if


Sayings about Memories

Youth lives on hope, old age on memories. ~ French Proverb

The memories of one’s youth make for long, long thoughts. ~ Finnish Proverbs

Good memories last long, bad ones last longer. ~ Czech Proverb



Weeks & Weekends Sayings

God does not pay weekly, but pays at the end. ~ Dutch Proverbs

Events follow one another like the days of the week. ~ Tanzanian Proverb

Money is only good for a weekday,

Tomorrow Proverbs

Sayings about tomorrow

Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.~ African Proverb

Who has ever seen tomorrow? ~ Iranian Proverbs

Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today. ~ English Proverbs

Tomorrow is often

Calendar Proverbs

Sayings about Calendars

Life just gives you time and space — It’s up to you to fill it. ~ Chinese Proverb

Women and calendars are good only for a year. ~ Spanish Proverb

Death keeps no calendar. ~ English

Quickness Proverbs

Sayings about Speed & Quickness

There are three things that have to be done in quickness: burying the dead, opening the door for a stranger, and fixing your daughter’s wedding. ~ Iranian Proverb

The steed does not retain its

Early Rising Proverbs

Sayings about Early Rising

Who is known as an early riser may sleep longer. ~ French Proverbs

Preventing someone from falling is better than helping him get up. ~ Italian Proverbs

There is no economy in going to bed early

Time Proverbs

Sayings about Time

Time is a great story teller. ~ Irish Proverb

Love makes time pass away and time makes love pass away. ~ French Proverb

With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. ~ Chinese Proverb

Darkness Proverbs

Sayings about Darkness

Darkness conceals the hippopotamus. ~ Zulu Proverb

It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room, especially when it is not there. ~ Chinese Proverbs

The darkness of night cannot stop the light of

Slowness Proverbs

Sayings about Slowness

The slower you go, the farther you will be. ~ Russian Proverbs

If you are a fast talker at least think slowly. ~ Croatian Proverbs

He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Sayings about Yesterday

Confess you were wrong yesterday; it will show you are wise today. ~ Traditional Proverb

Yesterday’s flowers are today’s dreams. ~ Japanese Proverbs

Yesterday’s drunkenness will not quench today’s thirst. ~ Egyptian Proverbs

All the past


Sayings about Chess

A man of high principles is someone who can watch a chess game without passing comment. ~ Chinese Proverb

Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe. ~Indian Proverbs