
10 tips to help you lose body fat

10 tips to help you lose body fat. The focus should be on losing body fat all over, not just in your belly.  Be aware of the decisions you are making throughout your day that may preventing you from losing belly fat. 

For example, are you consuming a lot of alcohol, soft drinks, fast food, or don’t make time to exercise ?  

Burn More Calories Than You Eat to lose body fat

Losing belly fat really does boil down to burning more calories than you eat.  If you cut 500 calories every day for one week (7 days) then you would lose one pound of fat. 

Counting calories every day can be quite tedious, so an easier approach would be to cut your meal, entrée or sandwich in half at lunch, for example, and save the other half for dinner. 

Plus, eating foods that are high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, oats, whole-grain breads can slow down digestion and help you stay full longer. Aim for 25 grams of fiber per day.

Schedule a Walk to lose body fat

Walking every day is a great place to start establishing a time to exercise.  Don’t feel like you have to walk three miles the first day out. Aim for five minutes or set a short-term goal.

Many times, people make the mistake of exercising too much too soon and overdo it. An easier approach would be to take a short walk after dinner, and gradually increase how much you walk each day.

Build Muscle

Building muscle applies to both men and women and adding strength training to your weekly regimen is an excellent way to burn more calories, even while sitting reading this article. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn after your workout and it will go a long way in losing belly fat in the abdominal area. 

If possible, meet with a nationally-certified personal trainer to learn how to lift weights properly with good form to prevent injury and will yield results. Start out by lifting weights twice a week and gradually work up to three days per week. 

Strength training is one of the best ways to lose belly fat and keep muscle. You don’t have to join a gym to weight train. All you need is a set of dumbbells and a mat.

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Eat Healthy Fat

One of the worst things you can do to lose belly fat is choose fat-free products in the grocery store because they are loaded with sugar and lack healthy fats. The body stores sugar as body fat so make a decision to reduce sugar intake and enjoy healthy fats such as fatty fish, eggs, nuts, avocado, and olive oil.

These healthy fat foods will keep you full longer and help reduce inflammation throughout your body. For example, look for wild salmon to enjoy on the grill or chop up a quarter of an avocado and add it to your dinner salad.

To boost belly fat burning, we suggest to use fat burner supplements like PhenQ or Raspberry Ketone. Most of boxer or MMA fighters use them during their diet to drastically cut weight before a fight !

Eat Protein at Every Meal to lose body fat

Protein is necessary to support lean muscle tissue and help repair those tiny tears caused by lifting weights, prodding out body fat in the process.  Aim for 70 grams of protein per day and consume at least 12 grams of protein before your workout.

Face stress head-on 

Stress can wreak havoc on your entire body because many people tend to eat more food to feel better, making it difficult to lose belly fat.  Instead of turning to junk food, find a way to deal with stress. Restorative yoga is an excellent option.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep to lose body fat

Not getting enough sleep can often cause you to grab empty-calorie foods for a quick wake-up fix during the day sabotaging your belly fat loss efforts. Aim for at least 7 – 9 hours of sleep per night.

Avoid Excess Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can stimulate your appetite and overload your liver.  Most alcohol drinks are mixed without ingredients that are high in sugar. Watch your intake because the calories can add up quickly.

Eat More Meals at Home to lose body fat

Cooking at home allows you to control portions and how your food is cooked.  Eating out at restaurants more often than not can cause excess belly fat. Learn to cook healthy meals at home.

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